Episode 162: Leadership and Coaching Beyond the Team with Esther Derby

Craig and Tony are at Agile Australia in Sydney and catch up with Esther Derby, co-author of numerous agile books including Agile Retrospectives and Behind Closed Doors. We also ask the question whether Tony is cool or not….

  • Agile Australia keynote “Leaders At All Levels
  • Leadership is the ability to adapt the environment so that everyone is empowered to contribute creatively to solving the problem
  • Need to develop the people we are leading as well as the environment
  • Need a bigger overlap of the knowledge in organisations so that we can make better decisions
  • Systemic failure that we assume because you are good at something (like software development) you will be good at management / leadership – they are very different skills
  • Three C’s – clarity (people know what to work on and how it fits into the big picture), conditions (the means to do the work and access to resources required) and constraints (guidelines to know to act and decide) – things you need to consider if you want to move a complex, adaptive system and build empowered teams
  • Need to focus on the work that needs to be done not just on the little boxes or our job description
  • Ask the question to leadership – what are you willing to change?
  • Coaching Beyond the Team workshop with Don Grey
  • Whilst smaller organisations can focus on the team, bigger organisations have to focus on the systemic level to make any visible difference
  • People are interested in the allure of the Agile benefits and what to cherry pick in relation to practices, the same happened with TQM and Lean – need to ask what next shift will help you deliver value to your customers
  • The millenials will be a big disruptor to management practices

TheAgileRevolution-162 (32 minutes)

Episode 150: FailAgility – Live from LAST Brisbane 2018

Craig and Tony were privileged to be asked to be the keynote speakers at LAST Brisbane 2018. This is the audio from the keynote with introductions from long time listener Dave Pryce. You can follow along with the slides below:

TheAgileRevolution-150 (49 minutes)


Episode 127 – Storming DD’s with Paul Rayner

Craig chats with Paul Rayner, a BDD and DDD expert who helps people bridge the gap of collaborative design between developers and business representatives, at YOW! West in Perth, and two old friends talk about the following:

* Agile Alliance Functional Testing Tool workshop (2011 in Salt Lake City)
* “Domain Driven Design” (Eric Evans) and “Working Effectively with Legacy Code” (Michael Feathers)
* The heart of DDD is about developing a rich model to allow you to deal with complex business domains
* Domain Driven Design Europe conference
* Design done well should pay off immediately, as well as in the medium to long term as well
* There are lot of overlaps between DDD and BDD, particularly the use of an ubiquitous language, BDD is a test first way to drive out your domain model
* YOW! West Keynote “EventStorming”
* Given When Then has a close relationship to modelling your domain events – a good model is one you can make assertions against
* “User Story Mapping” (Jeff Patton) is an example of how the community has started to build useful collaborative tools
* Example Mapping (Matt Wynne) visualises the perspectives of the Three Amigos and puts the focus on our understandings and our ignorances and provides a technique for the conversation
* Deliberate Discovery (Dan North and Liz Keogh) – where is our ignorance
* “Introducing EventStorming” (Alberto Brandolini) is a way of mapping out the domain or the business process using coloured sticky notes – what are the important events to support the behaviour required in our system
* You get a lot better result when you start at the end and work backwards to find insights
* Can use EventStorming to support lean processes such as value stream mapping (Craig’s lightbulb moment)
* “Coaching Agile Teams” (Lyssa Adkins) and how to make yourself a better coach
* Resistance as a Resource (Dale Emery) – helps to have a champion that you can support
* DDD continues to grow and evolve – the popularity of EventSourcing and CQRS have helped this

TheAgile Revolution-127 (48 minutes)

Episode 81: Resetting Agile & Devops with Justin Hennessy

JustinHennessySitting in a sometimes noisy coffee shop on a unusually cold Brisbane day, Craig sits down for a chat with Justin Hennessy, a Scrum Master, Devops and System Administrator all rolled into one!

TheAgileRevolution-81 (42 minutes)

Episode 57: No, No, Noooo!

NoTony, Renee and Craig meet in sunny suburban Sandgate and have an intense debate about the world of Agile while dealing with the 4:01 to Shorncliffe and beeping out Tony’s references to seagulls and respect.


TheAgileRevolution-57 (56 minutes)

Episode 53: Merry Xmas Mumbles

XmasIn this episode Tony, Craig and Renee once again meet in a dingy (and occasionally slightly noisy) cafe and discuss:




TheAgileRevolution-53 (34 minutes)

Episode 46: Raccoon Scout

Peter SaddingtonCraig chats with Peter Saddington (an Agile Coach and Consultant who is probably best known as the face behind Agile Scout) at Agile 2012 in Dallas, Texas about Agile in the US Military, the top lists on Agile Scout, his newly rewritten book “The Scrum Pocket Guide” and the state of Agile (or “Raccoon”!)

Peter is also the Co-Founder of Action & Influence and his upcoming book “The Agile Pocket Guide” will be released via Wiley in late 2012. His talk at Agile 2012 was entitled “Scaling Product Ownership at the US Air Force“. Look out for a longer video interview coming soon on InfoQ.

TheAgileRevolution-46 (13 minutes)

Episode 25: Cultural transformations with Agile

YoghurtCraig, Tony and Renee debate the role of an Agile Coach and how cultural transformations fit in.


“Management does not know what a system is” – Deming

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one” – Mark Twain


TheAgileRevolution-25 (46 minutes)

Episode 15: The Perfect World of Agile

In My Perfect WorldThe usual crew get together again:


“Don’t mix dev ops with dev oops!”

“99% of we bapp bugs are caused by 1% of browser types #occupyinternetexplorer”

“Gartner’s analysts are predicting that by 2012 that Agile development methods will be used in 80% of projects.”


TheAgileRevolution-15 (46 minutes)

Episode 3: Where is Craig’s Facepalm Moment?

Oath Of Non AllegianceWith Craig MIA, today’s podcast with Tony and Renee covers the following topics:


“I promise not to exclude from consideration any idea based on its source, but to consider ideas across schools and heritages in order to find the ones that best suit the current situation.” – Alistair Cockburn’s Oath of Non-Allegiance

TheAgileRevolution-3 (46 minutes)