Episode 109 – The Art of Agile Fluency with James Shore

JamesShoreCraig and Tony at the Agile Australia conference sit down with James Shore, best known as for his work as author of “The Art of Agile Development” and co-creator of the Agile Fluency Model and talk about a wide range of Agile topics including:

  • Java Modeling in Color with UML” book mentioned Feature Driven Development (an Australian Agile method!), learnt a valuable lesson to pay attention to the financials and, no matter how much you talk to your customer, seeing is not enough (they need to use it)
  • Extreme Programming Explained“, both editions are the same problem but coming from different experiences with the benefit of seven years of experience
  • the bulk of the “Art of Agile Development” book, particularly section 2, is mostly online, the major thing that probably needs to be updated is the section on customer testing
  • Agile Australia keynote “The Reward”
  • language hunting – there are multiple levels of language proficiency and you can be fluent at any one of them – proficiency is good, but to be really good you need fluency
  • Agile Fluency whitepaper
  • the agile fluency model is not a maturity model, it is about finding the right bus stop
  • Marick’s Missing Manifesto (the things missing from the manifesto) – skill, discipline, ease and joy
  • fluency comes more from the organisational investment than the team, so if you are not seeing fluency look at the organisation first
  • one star is doing Scrum well – with dedicated effort in 2-6 weeks, two stars with mentorship in 3-9 months, three stars takes a lot longer
  • the model is aspirational, so the barriers are high
  • Gamasutra Games Outcomes Project
  • next steps for the model is to share the diagnostics with organisations to help teams compare, contrast and grow
  • “Bloody Stupid Johnson Teaches Agile” with Arlo Belshee
  • the model will work regardless of the method used, its a way of looking at where you are at and not how you do it
  • we should take anybody who fits into the values of the Agile Manifesto
  • Let’s Code JavaScript” started as a Kickstarter, now 300+ episodes
  • Quixote project allows you to test drive CSS and refactor it

TheAgileRevolution-109 (43 minutes)